SelfTour’s talented staff are the creators, designers, writers, and programmers of the world’s best and most engaging GPS guided walking, driving, and biking tour experiences.

Why Take a Walking Tour?

Five Really Cool Walking Experiences Each of the following walking experiences features astounding history, incredible architecture, fascinating visual atmospheres and wonderful places to shop and dine along the way.  The walks are relatively condensed, meaning you can see a lot within a limited amount of walking. They are also on basically level ground making the…

Sonoma Napa Valley Grapes

Making Wine in California

The Essentials Of Growing Grapes And Making Great Wine In California. Wine is essentially the product of two ingredients: grape juice and yeast.  Grapes provide the flavor, color, aroma, and body of wine.  The fermentation process relies on yeast.  Everything else is left to the careful guidance and traditional methods of the winemaker.  That is…